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Oct. 7, 2013
Town of Princeton, Mass.
BOARD OF SELECTMEN   -- October 7, 2013

6:00 PM  Open Meeting  The meeting was called to order in the Town Hall Annex.  Present were Chairman Stan Moss, Edith Morgan, Neil Sulmasy and Town Administrator John Lebeaux.

New Business
John L. explained recent livestock attacks, with a sheep on Hubbardston Road killed and pulled out of its pen, and several days later, a goat killed within its pen on Worcester Road. A cam-shot caught a bear after the fact at the sheep’s carcass but whether a bear was the original attacker is unknown. Experts point to likelihood of bobcat in the goat attack. Town residents received a Code RED notification about the incidents which reached over 85 percent of phone numbers which are registered and all calls were completed in under 15 minutes. John reported that is considered very successful coverage. The message is also posted on the town website. He also noted that a rash of unregistered residents signed up for the CodeRed service after the call, which as the first incident, it made for a good test of the system.

6:12 PM  For the ongoing EMS Assessment Process, under ‘Old Business,’ Acting Fire Chief John Bennett came in to deliver three plans he had crafted with Lt. Bill Dino (ALS coordinator) and Capt. Tim Kelly (EMS director). The goal has been to get more comprehensive medical emergency--ambulance or EMS—coverage in town, and coordinating that with a (permanent) fire chief position which is currently on hold.  Stan suggested forming an ad hoc committee immediately and having them review the plans in one or two meetings and submit a report within one month. He noted that former members of past hiring committees and public safety committees would be likely candidates. Several such residents who have agreed to participate were named, and Stan moved to vote on a slate of candidates. Selectmen voted all in favor to appoint the following to the EMS Assessment Committee:  Jon Fudeman, Jim O’Coin, Bob Sauer, and Greg Volturo, with Neil Sulmasy as chairman, for a term to expire June 30, 2014. Although their work will be basically done by the end of 2013, their terms are through the Fiscal Year to cover the implementation period.

6:30 PM  John L. reported that under the state law covering municipal procurement, Chapter 30B, the threshold was changed from $5,000 to $10,000 before regulations must be met requiring a bidding process. He asked selectmen to consider revisions to the town’s “Disposal of Surplus Supplies & Obsolete Equipment Policy” to change the threshold accordingly. The board voted all in favor to amend the disposal policy from a minimum of $5,000 for the bidding process requirement to a minimum of $10,000 instead.

6:35 PM  To begin the Town Administrator annual review, selectmen agreed to fill out the form and be ready for the next meeting, noting that narrative is preferred as it is not a box-checking exercise. Board members can fill out the form in a Word file electronically.

Selectmen reviewed a notice from the state Gaming Commission reporting that communities abutting Leominster have until the end of October to submit any claims they believe may be warranted if Leominster’s bid for a slot parlor comes to fruition. The board voted all in favor to empower John L. to explore “surrounding communities’ status” to research possibilities for any kind of compensation—that research to begin immediately.

Old Business

6:45 PM  The board voted all in favor and signed the animal control inter-municipal agreement which has already been signed by Rutland and Barre. The Community Innovation Challenge Grant, which funds the regional project, requires a local support documentation form, and selectmen voted all in favor to sign the form. They also voted all in favor to appoint Laura Pease as Animal Control Officer and Ryan Evocious of Rutland as assistant ACO—both throough June 30, 2014.

John L. reported no progress on Facilities Study – designer selection process.

Warrants and Minutes
6:55 PM Selectmen reviewed and signed Vendor and Payroll Warrants: FY14 # 7
And voted all in favor to approve minutes for Sept. 23

7:05 PM  Selectmen voted all in favor to adjourn.

Respectfully submitted,   Marie Auger, administrative assistant
Referenced Documents:  EMS proposals from J. Bennett;  ACO job description;  notice from state re: Chapt. 30B; Town Administrator annual review form; animal control inter-municipal agreement; Surplus Property Disposal policy draft update